Meet Our Animals > Jaguar
Quick Facts
Native to Southern Mexico, Central America, South America
Primary Diet Deer, wild pigs, tapirs, capybara, fish, and even tortoises and small alligators
Adult Weight Males 120 to 350 pounds; Females 80-190 pounds
Lifespan 12 to 16 years
Status Near Threatened


“Jaguar” comes from the native South American name “yaguara,” meaning “a beast that kills its prey with one bound.” They’re good swimmers and frequently hunt near bodies of water. A jaguar may “go fishing” by waving their tail over the water to attract hungry fish. Each jaguar’s spot pattern is unique, like their own personal ID. Jaguars are also solitary animals and considered crepuscular — active at dawn and dusk.


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Northwestern Mutual Family Farm

As a precautionary measure, the Aviary is closed.