The Zoo Shares Holiday Wish Lists for the Animals

Posted Date

November 28, 2024


In The News, Local Area

During the holidays, the Milwaukee County Zoo animals are hoping for a few new gifts to use as enrichment. Enrichment items are used in activities throughout the year to enhance all aspects of an animal’s wellbeing by addressing the behavioral, environmental, physical, psychological, and social needs of the species.

Through the Zoo’s Giving Tree, a specially-designed Christmas tree decorated with sparkling lights and ornaments with animal requests — wishes really do come true! The tree will be showcased in the Zoo’s U.S. Bank Gathering Place, December 1 – 31. An annual holiday tradition, the Giving Tree gives Zoo guests an opportunity to make a connection with their favorite animal and donate with a gift, gift card, or monetary donation.

The Giving Tree will be aglow and decorated with handmade paper ornaments featuring animal enrichment ideas from the animal care team, ranging from 100% Shredded Mini Wheat cereal (sugar-free) for the Zoo’s orangutans, to an apple-shaped Jolly Ball for the bongos.

Visitors can choose any ornament to take home and purchase the listed item. Gifts can be dropped off at the Zoo’s Administration Office in the U.S. Bank Gathering Place. (Let the gate attendant know you’re visiting on behalf of the Giving Tree.)

The Zoological Society’s Zoo Pride volunteers create the handmade ornaments that adorn the Giving Tree. Each ornament features the name of an enrichment item, the name of the animal, the cost, and information on where to purchase.

Visitors can choose an ornament for their favorite animal and either purchase the item themselves or make a monetary donation, and the Zoo will purchase the item on the visitor’s behalf. Click here for a complete list of wishes. Gift cards of any amount are also welcome and encouraged, so the animal care team can choose what they need.

The Giving Tree will feature many different gift suggestions including:

  • Aquatic & Reptile Center: Natural wild, dried bamboo leaves, whole
  • Big Cats: Kid’s non-toxic bubble bath; paper leaf bags
  • Bonobos: Ticker tape; salt-free spices
  • Elephants: Adjustable wooden painting easel
  • Rabbits: Cardboard cat scratch playhouse


For more information on the Giving Tree, contact the Zoo at 414-771-3040.

As a precautionary measure, the Aviary is closed.