Greater Rhea

Greater rheas look similar to ostriches but are much smaller. Rheas have three toes on each foot, while ostriches have two. Rheas are flightless birds that can run up to 40 miles per hour. They have unusually long wings for flightless birds, which are used to avoid predators and for balance while running.
Yellow-footed Tortoise

Yellow-footed tortoises are named for the yellow-orange scales on their front legs. Some scales on the limbs and tail are bright yellow. Their shell is thick and heavy and is dark brown with yellow patches.
Central American Tapir

Central American tapirs are the largest indigenous mammal in Central America and are well known for their elongated, flexible upper lip that is extended into a proboscis, resembling a shorter version of an elephant’s trunk.

Alpacas have thick fur to keep warm in the cold winters in the Andes. Their hair is hollow and has insulative properties. The alpaca also has special stomach secretions that help it absorb 50 percent more nutrients than a sheep, allowing it to survive where there’s only poor-quality grass.