Welcome the Newest Residents to the Aquatic & Reptile Center

Meet Maeve, the Zoo’s New Caribou

The Zoo Announces the Arrival of Filly the Jaguar

The Zoo Is Saddened to Announce the Death of Harbor Seal Ringo

The Milwaukee County Zoo Mourns the Death of Hippo Patti

Plush-Crested Jay Chicks Make an Entrance

The Zoo’s Bongo Herd Quickly Grows

The Japanese Macaque Baby’s Name Is…

The Zoo Team Performs Novel Surgery on Giraffe Due to Unusual Breeding Injury

Welcome the Zoo’s New Bongo and Tapir

Azizi, the Zoo’s New Silverback Gorilla, Now in the Public Habitat

A New Tiger Now Calls the Zoo Home

A ‘Gem’ of a Spider Monkey Joins the Zoo

The Zoo Welcomes a New Male Giraffe to the Herd

Swoop In to See the New Yellow-Rumped Caciques

New Male Snow Leopard Makes Public Debut

De Brazza’s Monkey Born at the Zoo

A Norwegian Fjord Horse Joins the Family Farm

Zoo Raises Elusive Crocodile Bird

Bactrian Camel Born at the Milwaukee County Zoo

Rare Northern Spider Tortoise Hatches

A New Harbor Seal Arrives at the Zoo!

The New Anaconda is the Longest Snake Recorded – at the Zoo

Meet the New De Brazza’s Monkeys